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Concise yet thorough, Welding: A Management Primer & Employee Training Guide will aid those in welding management with supervision and control of their welding operations, while offering apprentices and industrial practitioners in-depth instruction on the basic manipulative welding and cutting processes. Extensively illustrated, this hands-on reference is organized in easy-to-understand user-specific sections.
The first section presents managers and small shop owners with the technical background and practical expertise needed to implement and manage their specific welding operations. In the second section, readers will find a complete curriculum for self or in-plant welder training. Easy to use, this program provides all the information and practical training regimens for each of the processes described. Additionally, an extensive data section containing important welding parameters for a range of applications is provided in the third section.
Provides clear and unbiased recommendations, descriptions, and the operative aspects of several major welding processes.
Enhances management’s ability to make informed decisions on purchasing, supervision, and implementation of a variety of manual welding processes.
Allows trainers to systematically present welding theory and practice to the student and to customize instructions for any specific productive objective.
Does not overload students with large amounts of data and theoretical material that do not directly and immediately lead to productive work and proper job performance.
Section I — Welding Management
Welding Foundations and Industrial Applications
Determining Process Applicability
The Non-manipulative Processes
Setting Up the Welding Department
In-plant Welder Training
Weld Testing and Welder Certification
Section II — Welder Training
Welding and General Shop Safety
Blueprint Reading and Welding Symbol Interpretation