What industry experts are saying about Demand Driven Material Requirements Planning (DDMRP)...
With the development of DDMRP and now the writing of this book, Ptak and Smith have broken through common practice to bring common sense to supply chain management. If your company is facing variability and uncertainty across your supply chain and the future looks little like the past, then this book holds the answer.
DDMRP represents the future of planning in today’s complex and volatile supply chains. Inherent flaws in the traditional planning approaches are exposed and resolved for today’s complex adaptive supply chains. With the Demand Driven Adaptive Schema and the pivotal position of Demand Driven Sales and Operations Planning, this is not just a better way to plan; it is a better way to run an organization in today’s hypercompetitive environment. Operations and strategy can now easily and realistically be connected bi-directionally, allowing both to adapt to critical changes for the best return on shareholder equity.
This book is the ultimate reference for this new way of life across a dynamic adaptive supply chain. —Dick Ling S&OP Consultant and Author of Orchestrating Success