Note: This is the English-language version of this title. For the Spanish-language translation, click on SPANISH TRANSLATION above (below the cover image). eBooks of both versions also are available (click on the EBOOK link above).
This is the most concise and authoritative available guide for the installation of PVC gasket-joint pressure and non-pressure pipes and fittings. Written and sponsored by the Uni-Bell PVC Pipe Association, it contains up-to-date information and comes complete with practical associated tables and figures that will help users to be more effective and efficient at installing PVC piping systems. This work provides preferred methods of installation based on field experience, published reports, and other industry sources.
The Contractor’s Guide’s unique, easy-to-use reversible-book format provides two valuable guides in one—for working on water pipes or sewer pipes—making it easy for readers to quickly access the specific information they are seeking, be it on the job, in training, or studying for certification.
The Contractor’s Guide provides value to several stakeholders:
Contractors—Following this work’s recommendations can improve job efficiency, reduce potential pipeline problems, and help ensure maximum performance.
Owners—Proper installation helps ensure the maximum service life for piping systems.
Workers (Training)—This guide can serve as a reference prior to undertaking a pipeline project.
Workers (Certification)—In jurisdictions where installers are required to be certified, this work can serve as an invaluable study resource.
Uni-Bell PVC Pipe Association (PVCPA) is a trade organizationrepresenting manufacturers of PVC gasketed-joint pipe for potable water, irrigation water, sewer forcemains, gravity sanitary sewer, and gravity storm sewer applications. The Association’s mission is to promote the use of longer-life, lower-maintenance, corrosion-proof PVC pipe for real sustainability, strength, and long-term asset management.