For decades, AutoCAD® students, instructors, and professionals have relied on the Exercise Workbook series to develop and hone their use of this exceptionally versatile program. Whether you are an AutoCAD novice, seeking to improve 2D drawing capabilities, or simply looking for a top-notch reference with the very latest updates from Autodesk®, the bestselling Beginning AutoCAD® 2025 Exercise Workbook is the perfect choice.
With clear explanations, step-by-step instructions, inside tips, and numerous exercises, AutoCAD experts Shrock and Heather help users make real progress in their drawing capabilities. To quick-start working with drawing commands, users can download preset drawing templates from the provided link, or by visiting Industrial Press’s print or eBook website product pages.
The new AutoCAD 2025 software builds on the features of previous releases. Notable changes include a smarter help menu and useful revisions to the Hatch tool, making it easier to fill in AutoCAD drawings. As ever, this new version enables efficient creation, precise revision, and collaborative sharing of layouts for myriad projects.
New and/or Improved Features in Beginning AutoCAD 2025:
Autodesk Assistant—This artificial intelligence (AI) enhanced help system can help answer AutoCAD-related questions. If the Autodesk Assistant cannot provide the needed answer, it links the user to other sources, including a live Autodesk agent. (Included in Lesson 1)
Hatch Improvements—The Hatch tool has been enhanced to enable more efficient placement of a hatch pattern without the previous requirement of a closed boundary. (Included in Lesson 15)
Global AutoCAD 2025 Updates—New illustrations, detailed explanations, and step-by-step instructions throughout this Exercise Workbook reflect the latest AutoCAD tools, dialog boxes, and key elements.
To download the provided AutoCAD template files mentioned in the book, please click here.
Cheryl Shrock is a retired Professor and Chairperson of Computer Aided Design at Orange Coast College in California. She developed the world-reknowned AutoCAD® ExerciseWorkbooks for classroom and self-study use as a result of both her teaching skills and extensive industry experience. An acclaimed AutoCAD expert, she is an Autodesk® registered author.
Steve Heather is a former Lecturer of Mechanical Engineering and Computer Aided Design in England. For more than a decade, he has been a Beta Tester for Autodesk, testing the latest AutoCAD software. Previous to teaching, and for over 30 years, Heather worked as a Precision Engineer in the aerospace and defense industries. In addition to co-authoring the Beginning and Advanced AutoCAD® Exercise Workbooks and the AutoCAD® Pocket Reference, he also is author of AutoCAD® 3D Modeling and the Engineers Precision Data Pocket Reference and is a key engineering consultant and contributor to the Machinery’s Handbook. Steve welcomes inquiries about his books; you can reach him by emailing
Meet Author Steve Heather!
To read an interview with this world-class AutoCAD expert,
Lesson 2
Creating a Template
Using a Template
Selecting a Command
Drawing Lines
Methods for Selecting Objects
Undo and Redo
Starting a New Drawing
Opening an Existing Drawing File
Opening Multiple Files
Using Floating File Tabs
Saving a Drawing File
Automatic Save
Back Up Files and Recover
Exiting AutoCAD
Exercises for Lesson 2
Lesson 3
Grid and Increment Snap
Creating New Layers
Loading and Selecting Layer Linetypes
Exercises for Lesson 3
Lesson 8
Single Line Text
Multiline Text
Tabs, Indents, and Spell Check
Paragraph and Line Spacing
Editing Text
Exercises for Lesson 8
Lesson 9
Coordinate Input
Direct Distance Entry (DDE)
Measure Tools
ID Point
Exercise: Creating a Border
Basic Plotting from Model Space
More Exercises for Lesson 9
Lesson 10
Moving the Origin
Displaying the UCS Icon
Exercises for Lesson 10
Lesson 11
Polar Coordinate Input
Dynamic Input
Using Dynamic Input and Polar Coordinates
Polar Tracking
Using Polar Tracking and DDE
Polar Snap
Using Polar Tracking and Polar Snap
Exercises for Lesson 11
Lesson 14
Exercises for Lesson 14
Lesson 15
Hatch Properties
Hatch Types
Editing Hatch Set Properties
Hatch without Boundaries
Exercises for Lesson 15
Lesson 16
Linear Dimensioning
Continue Dimensioning
Baseline Dimensioning
Dimension Styles
Ignoring Hatch Objects
Exercises for Lesson 16
Lesson 17
Editing Dimension Text Values
Editing the Dimension Position
Modifying an Entire Dimension Style
Overriding a Dimension Style
Editing an Individual Existing Dimension
Dimension Breaks
Jogging a Dimension Line
Adjusting the Distance Between Dimensions
Exercises for Lesson 17
Lesson 18
Dimensioning Diameters
Dimensioning Radii
Angular Dimensioning
Center Mark – Automatic
Center Mark – Manual
Flip Arrow
Creating a Dimension Sub-Style
Exercises for Lesson 18
Lesson 19
Creating a Multileader Style
Aligned Dimensioning
Special Text Characters
Prefix and Suffix
Exercises for Lesson 19
Lesson 20
Dim Command
Exercises for Lesson 20
Lesson 21
Match Properties
Match Layer
Creating a Revision Cloud
Converting an Object to a Revision Cloud
Selecting the Revision Cloud Style
Exercises for Lesson 21
Lesson 22
Drawing an Arc
Dimensioning Arc Lengths
Dimensioning a Large Curve
Exercises for Lesson 22
Lesson 23
Understanding and Creating Polylines
Exercises for Lesson 23
Lesson 24
Editing Polylines
Join Command
Exercises for Lesson 24
Lesson 25
Creating New Text Styles
Selecting a Text Style
Deleting a Text Style
Changing the Effects of a Text Style
Divide Command
Measure Command
Exercises for Lesson 25
Lesson 26
Serious Business
Model and Layout Options
Model and Layout Tabs
How to Reach Into a Viewport
Locking a Viewport
Creating a Page Setup
Using the Layout
Plotting from a Layout Tab
Annotative Property
Exercises for Lesson 26
Lesson 27
Creating Scaled Drawings
Adjusting the Viewport Scale
Annotative Objects
Paper Space Dimensioning
Exercises for Lesson 27
Lesson 28
Assigning Multiple Annotative Scales
Removing an Annotative Scale
Annotative Hatch
Exercises for Lesson 28
Lesson 29
Inserting Blocks
Re-Defining a Block
Automatic Block Placement
Count the Number of Blocks in a Drawing
Purge Unwanted and Unused Blocks
Multileader and Blocks
Collect Multileader
Exercises for Lesson 29
Lesson 30
Text – Arc Aligned
Text – Modify Text
Text – Convert to MText and Auto Number
Text – Enclose in Object
Draw – Break-Line Symbol
Tools – Command Aliases
Creating a Group
Import a PDF File into AutoCAD
Import a PDF file with SHX fonts
Drawing Compare
Shared Views
Exercises for Lesson 30
Add a Printer / Plotter B Dynamic Input
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