Your Guide to CAD, CAM, and Machining
Welcome to the online home of my new book, CNC Beginner’s Guide: CAD, CAM, and Machining
This book presents the topic in a logical fashion, progressing from basics to more advanced subjects, using hands-on, project-based activities throughout. It includes important information on tooling and fundamentals of cutting feeds and speeds.
Industrial Press and I hope you find this book to be of great interest and practical use. To help you in reaching your goals, we have created this website so that you can have access to additional materials related to the book, as they become available. To access this supplementary material, please click on the links as they are added below.
If you have questions about something in the book, you can send an email to my attention at info@industrialpress.com. Please make sure you include your contact information so that I can get back to you. —Steven Thomas
Published by: Industrial Press
February 2025, 304 pages, softcover
Print ISBN: 9780831136963
Print price: $59.95
We will soon be adding a link to the IP product page for this book’s product page.
Note that this title will also be made available as an eBook (stay tuned).
Links to Online Materials to Download from this Site
This new page is still in progress. Please check back for great online resources, including helpful online video tutorials, color images, and graphs seen in the book, with added useful information.