We are glad to provide a short-term subscription for an eBook version of an Industrial Press text to qualifying educators considering our products for a forthcoming class.
Please note that we only provide eBook review copies and instructor’s copies upon proof of adoption. We no longer send out printed format review or instructor’s copies.
How Instructors Can Get an eBook Review Copy
Our current policy is to provide each qualifying instructor considering a text with a free eBook review copy. The eBook review period is 60 days.
How eBook Review Copies are Provided: All eBooks are provided via the Industrial Press (IP) eBookStore website, ebooks.industrialpress.com (note that this site is a separate website) for use with our provided proprietary reader. To access the eBook, the instructor will first need to set up a free account at the eBookStore website, and then redeem a onetime-use access code to add the specified eBook to his or her account.
Required First Step: In order to receive your eBook review copy, please fill out and submit the form below (one per course) with your request for specific title(s).* We thank you for providing as much detail as possible to qualify for your free, short-term digital subscription.
Resource Kit Exception: We do not provide review copy eBooks for our bestselling teaching and learning aids, AutoCAD® 2D Resource Kit and Blueprint Reading Basics Instructor’s Resource Kit. However, we do have sample files available for review by qualified instructors. If you or your colleagues are interested in reviewing sample digital files for these products for consideration for a class, again, please reach out to respond@industrialpress.com.
*Please note that review copies are restricted to one limited-time eBook review copy of each title per instructor, per course, per semester. Industrial Press also reserves the right to reject any requests.
What Happens Next?
If the text is adopted, the instructor can email respond@industrialpress.com verifying adoption, including information on the course and class size, and providing the name and username for the applicable IP eBookStore account. Upon approval of this request, the eBook subscription will be made permanent in that account. (Again, we no longer provide printed instructor’s copies, only eBook subscriptions.)
If the text is not to be adopted, the eBook subscription will simply expire after 60 days. The instructor’s free Industrial Press eBookStore account will remain open for future eBook review copies or purchases.
To purchase a full, permanent subscription to any Industrial Press eBook, the most efficient and easiest way to do so is to create/log into your account at ebooks.industrialpress.com and purchase the desired digital product directly online.
For information on educational or other discounts that may be applicable to such sales or a manually generated invoice for purchasing department processing, please reach out to respond@industrialpress.com. If you do not already have an account with Industrial Press and your institution qualifies for U.S. tax exemption, please provide that documentation with your invoice request. Please note that all invoiced digital product sales require advance payment.
For More Information
To learn more about our digital products and their use, as well as multi-user site license package options for students or other groups, please click here.
For information on reaching Industrial Press, ordering printed and other physical products on this site, and more, please see our Customer Service page.
A Note to International Customers: As with domestic customers, eBook review copies are offered on a discretionary basis to international instructors, and our digital products are enjoyed by teachers and students worldwide. Again, please fill out the form below with your request. For information on ordering our printed products, again please see our Customer Service; international distributors are listed at the end.
If you have any questions about the above or the form below, again please feel free to reach out to us at respond@industrialpress.com.