The purpose of the Machinery’s Handbook Toolbox Edition, as it has ever been, is to provide Industrial Press’s customers with a convenient, portable version of this most popular engineering reference of all time. To fit so much essential information in such a condensed format, it is set with precisely printed, reduced-size text. And millions of Toolbox Editions are in use around the world.
At the request of our customers, the Large Print Edition, which features normal, reference-book-sized text, was later introduced for regular desktop use. However, with the Machinery’s Handbook, 32nd Edition, now totaling more than 3,000 pages, many of our customers who use the MH32 on a regular basis — whether in the classroom, in the shop, or elsewhere on the job — still prefer the smaller, less weighty Toolbox Edition to the larger, heavier Large Print edition.
At the same time, as we age and for other reasons, it is not always that easy to read and refer to the significantly reduced-sized print size in the toolbox edition, particularly when working with key table data, figure labels, and the special characters used in many formulas. And while an increasing number of customers are turning to the versatile Machinery’s Handbook 32 Digital Edition, others still prefer a printed book. (For those who benefit from having both, we also offer attractively priced combo packages.)
Good news is we offer our customers the perfect solution to facilitate reading the smaller Toolbox Edition: a custom package that includes both a printed copy of the Machinery’s Handbook, 32nd Edition Toolbox Edition and a nifty, full-page magnifier.
Providing 2.5 times magnification, the magnifier features 12 LED lights around the frame, can be handheld or positioned over the book using the foldout stand, and has a handy cord for hanging around your neck or storage on a nearby hook. The lights can be powered using the supplied USB power cord or with 3 AAA batteries (not included).
For more information on and to order this useful combination package, click here.